Tag: godaddy.com

  • How to Build a LinkedIn Network in todays fast pace online world

    How to Build a LinkedIn Network in todays fast pace online world

    Mastering LinkedIn: Best Practices for Building Your Network Hey, I’m Emma and I’m joined with my co-host Sam. Today, we’re going to talk about LinkedIn and how to effectively build your network on this powerful platform. What is LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a social network where you’re able to connect with other professionals all over the…

  • Tips for Producing a Promotional Video for Your Small Business

    Tips for Producing a Promotional Video for Your Small Business

    – Today on The Journey, we’ll be giving you Tips for Producing a Promotional Video for Your Small Business. Now it’s been known for so long, videos convert much better than just text, marketers, people out there, people on social media. You spend more time watching the video than you do reading through a long…